New build on the Isle of Arran

A multigenerational home which maximises on stunning views across the bay and reflects the natural beauty of the property's surroundings: a colour palette where warm, sandy tones are complemented by greens and blues

We were delighted that in 2023, this house was the British Institute of Interior Designs winner for Scotland, Wales & Northern Island.

“The house is a triumph! Sophie understands our lifestyles and who we are, she captured our identities and translated them into a timeless interior design. Our Arran house truly feels like home”  - Client

The floor to ceiling windows and the upside-down nature of the house maximise on its expansive view of the waterfront. The rooms at the front of the home have been minimally designed, incorporating block colours and textures to place focus on the beautiful view.

The walls in the main living room are painted with Bauwerk lime paints made from clays, minerals and natural pigments, reflecting the beautiful surroundings.  The natural colour scheme creates a sense of calm and tranquillity.

Drawing on her knowledge of colour psychology Sophie created a calming yet focussed atmosphere in each of the two separate study areas, allowing both clients to work productively from home.

Fun was injected into the design of the rear of the house through pattern, and darker colour schemes. Blankets sourced for the snug were made with the client’s family tartan.

After first working with the client in 2015, Sophie was delighted to be commissioned to work on their Arran home. “It has been a true pleasure to again be trusted by Andy and Gordon to articulate their interior design vision.”

Photographs: Alexander James. Completed 2022


Notting Hill maisonette


Ravenscourt Park Family Home